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Feeling Lucky

Last night as I was driving home I stopped after going through and intersection, the car in front had stopped to turn right. I looked in my rear vision mirror and could see another car behind me coming through the intersection fast, I had just enough time to pull up my hand brake, brake hard and hold my breath for the incoming collision.

I heard the squeal of brakes and the air filled with the smell of rubber but the impact never came. I looked in my rear vision mirror to see an older gentleman get out of his car and so did I, we walked to the back of my car and looked. There was a centimetre between our cars, we were both so relieved! We hugged it out as he apologised, he was racing a yellow light and didn't see I had stopped. "It's ok!" I cried, "We're both ok!". We then jumped back into our cars and headed home, both feeling grateful our evening hadn't started differently.

Sometimes I just feel like someone is looking out for me, that my fate and destiny are on track and for some unknown reason it definitely isn't my time and that things are going to be ok. I'm a superstitious person, I believe in love, luck and faith. I touch wood and stay away from ladders, I carry crystals but adore black cats. I follow the rules of karma and hope that if I'm a good person people will be good to me.

It seems to be working, so far this year has been a good one, things are looking up and on those dark cloudy days you have to remind yourself that this too shall pass, better days are coming and you will get through this, after all you always do.

Mrs Roberts. 

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