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The Dishwasher

Our office is getting a dishwasher installed! It is very exciting. We do quite well for a small team to manage our own cups and spoons but the bench is never clear and when we do a cook-up for lunch the dishes go on for miles!

I am one of those people who likes things done “just so”. I can’t sleep at night if the dinners dishes are stacked on the sink. Husband and I have more traditional roles, I do the cooking and cleaning and he looks after the outside, mowing, cleaning the pool etc. It works really well for us, most of the time.

When we lived in Townsville our rental didn’t have a dishwasher, I was determined not to let it get me down and diligently did the hand washing at least twice a day, more if I was baking. This was fine until summer came.

Summer in Townsville is a unique experience, the first time I stepped onto the tarmac at the Townsville Airport the wall of heat hit me in the face, I felt like I couldn’t breathe properly the air was so thick. My arms, chest and face would get sunburnt whilst I was sitting in the car and I soon replaced my daily body moisturiser for sunscreen – maximum SPF!

On top of being unbearably hot it rains and rains and rains. Before the rain sets in you have days of thick humidity, your hair never really dries, the sheets and towels are perpetually damp and musty and the air-conditioning cannot work hard enough to keep the place cool. It is so humid that the house constantly has condensation running down the walls. I have never had a house with cleaner walls, they needed wiping down almost daily to prevent mould setting in. Can you tell just how much I loved Townsville?

One particularly hot summer night I was doing the dishes by hand, the kitchen was so hot that I was sweating, the windows were foggy, and I was red faced and had a mountain of dishes to do. Then the tears started. It was just so crap, the heat was crap, the humidity was crap, having to cook was crap I was just over it. So I just cried into the sink wailing to my Husband “I cannot do this anymore! You have to help me!” so he did, because he is good like that. He agreed that this was crap and that he wasn't doing it anymore and neither was I.

Then the very next day we went to The Good Guys and Husband bought me a very beautiful brand new dishwasher. We loaded it into the car and he installed it that very same day. That’s the thing about my Husband, he is a fixer and if there is a way for him to make me happy and less stressed he will make it happen. Especially when it comes to house work because he really doesn't want to be doing the dishes either.

What house hold chore do you hate the most? Ironing? Dishes?

Mrs Roberts. 

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