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How I met my Husband

Everyone has a love story, some are funnier than others and not all have a happy ending. We aren't at the end yet but we are celebrating our 5th Wedding Anniversary and we are very happy. It took us a while to organise the big day, with Husband in the Army he simply wasn't home for me to marry him! We are heading towards 12 years together and are still sickenly in love.

We met in 2004, Cowra NSW. Husband was visiting family and I was working in a local solicitors office. He called in to get some advice on opening a business and I fancied the pants off him straight away. He was so cool. Like really cool, he had tight dark wash jeans, white sneakers (white! In the country!) he wore fitted shiny polo shirts, a thick silver chain and a no fear baseball cap. I was 17 at the time and couldn't stand those country boys with their flannel tops and RM Williams boots, he was different and it was good.

Our paths crossed, as they do in a small town. We got talking one day and he asked if he could walk with me to the Post Office, on our walk he jokingly said if I could find him collateral for his business he would take me to lunch. Because I was young and thought I was shit hot I told him he could take me to lunch anyway. He did, the very next day. We went to a tiny little cafe off the main street hoping not to become local gossip too quickly (ha!). It was a Friday, he took my number and I had hoped to hear from him early the following week. The very next Monday he was waiting in the reception of my workplace, bang on 12noon to take me to lunch.

He took me to lunch every working day for 6 weeks. We went to cafes, pubs and on picnics. He always tells that he knew I liked him because I threw myself at him in Westpac. This is simply not true, I had to go there to do the banking and really wanted him to see my new leather boots. I'm sure I was very subtle, being 17 and all...

After my 18th birthday I invited him out with my friends for drinks to celebrate, he said he would come and he did. There was another boy, a country boy who had bought me an Akubra hanging around and I like to think this gave Husband the push to ask me out.

That was it, we were officially a couple and have been the dream team every since. I was very lucky to meet my soul mate so early on in life. He makes me laugh, he is so kind and thoughtful and no matter how hard you try you can't be mad at him.

Happy Anniversary, my love, my light, my very best friend xxx

Mrs Roberts. 

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