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It Comes in Threes

Dramas always seem to come in threes, we've had the fence which took a lot longer than anyone thought, a burst water pipe and an exploding shower head!

Mid last week I said to Husband that the front garden seemed very wet, we had been quite busy and so it was going to be put off until the weekend. Friday afternoon came around and Husband got home to find a flooded front garden! The main water pipe had split and was running at a rapid rate.

Dial a Dig only had records for the council strip of our land and so was no help. Husband had to dig and dig to try to find the pipe. After hours of digging, hip deep in muddy water under torch light the split pipe was located! Turns out I'm a bit crap at holding the torch but we got there in the end! We hosed each other off before heading inside to have a shower, the hose wasn't repairable at 7:30pm on a Friday so we planned to turn the water off once we had a shower. Husband jumps in turns the taps on....BANG! The pressure from the air in the pipe and the water caused the shower head to burst, water went every where!

Saturday morning was just as eventful, I went off to work and poor Husband was left to finish finding the leak and repairing it. Only took a few hours digging and a $30 part! Bargain really.

Then he went next door to help with the fence as the neighbours were starting to put up more palings. They got the fence done in the end, not without it's injuries, our poor neighbour was just getting into it when he stepped onto a plank of wood with two nails in it, rusty nails that went straight through his thong and into his heel! YOW! Whilst he was at the Doctors getting a dreaded tetanus shot Husband kept going with the fence, he got a huge section completed and then the neighbours returned a bit sore but also pushed through and the fence was completed! I am so happy, I just keep looking at it and say how lovely it is!

Sunday came around and we needed a new shower head, we did a quick Google and found one at Bunnings that looked good. In we went only to find the one we wanted was in damaged packaging and was missing the screws and wall plugs. A handy Bunnings man soon had us sorted and on our way with not one but two shower heads, one for parts and one for the shower. We couldn't have asked for better service!

The best part of an exploding shower head is getting a nice new one.

Mrs Roberts. 

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