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Oops She's a Fainter...

I am not great with needles, blood tests give me chills, the sweats, dizzy spells and sometimes I even faint. I could go into detail about why I struggle with them so much but just thinking about it sends my heart racing! I am much better than I used to be, a few years ago I couldn't make my own appointments!

Monday was the day, blood test day. Last time went pretty well so I was quietly confident. I had drunk litres of water, kept my arms warm and was working on my breathing. I got settled into the waiting room and wait I did...

The longer I waited the harder it was to breathe, I started to look at the door when my head went whoosh and the next thing I knew the lovely receptionist was encouraging to stay laying down and here have some water. The shame! Thank goodness I wasn't wearing a skirt!

I spent the next half an hour in the treatment room "recovering" from my theatric faint before going into have my blood taken. Michelle my pathologist was a dream, very kind, very patient and agreed that blood tests are horrible. Only two attempts which was pretty good for me!

Another lie down until they were convinced I could drive. On the way out I booked in for a Pap Smear with the same receptionist who looked me straight in the eye and said "If you faint during that one you are on your own, I'm not holding your hand for that!".

I laughed all the way home!

Mrs Roberts. 

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