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Glen 20

Do you often worry about the youth of today? Ok, I know that sentence has just aged me dramatically but sometimes I do worry. I worry about their grammar, the way they talk and this ridiculous trend where they hang off the side of a building for a photo! It's all about the likes...

I was in Woolies, chitty chatting away to the young man on the check out. He asked what I'd been up to and I replied that it was all the usual cooking and cleaning. He got really bouncy and excited and just had to tell me about this great product. "It's in a tin and it is called Glen 20, you buy the fresh linen variety and just spray it on your sheets, if you do this you don't have to change your sheets for like at least SIX weeks!!"

Horrified. Absolutely horrified, and then of course I had to break his heart and tell him that whilst it is a disinfectant he probably should change his sheets more frequently...might help with his skin problems...

Wifelife - now handing out Mum advice at Checkout 8!

Mrs Roberts. 

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