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Magic Carpet

Yesterday was hectic, insane. It started with a papsmear so it was never going to be one of my favourite days. I had a long list of jobs to do and didn't really want to do any of them

I did however walk past Earthborn which was closing down their Mt Ommaney store...HELLO SALE! I found this beauty and ummed and ahhed, such a gorgeous orange but did I really need a rug? An ORANGE rug? According to the sticker it was hand woven and dyed in India, one of a kind! The pressure...

I sent photos of it to Husband, wandered up to Kmart, then came back. Husband really didn't care either way. As I was still thinking about it the lovely sales assistant Kristy unrolled it, threw a few cushions around and put together a gorgeous flat-lay all featuring the rug. I decided for fifty bucks it was worth the risk.

Back home I went; where I laid it out, rolled it up, moved it around, rolled it up, moved it again...I put it on Instagram with a question mark, made a cup of tea and put on some washing.

Came back inside and decided that I actually do really love it, that brown and orange do go well together and Checkers was highly impressed, as you know I decorate the house to suit my cats so it got to stay.

I'm not usually so indecisive, especially when it comes to shopping! I've decided this house could do with a bit more colour. Time to be brave, gorgeous bright blue patterned cushions next I think!

Mrs Roberts. 

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