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Sick Days

The neighbours behind us have had a pool installed and the kids are obsessed, they are in it before school and after! I thought I would give them a run for their money but work, life, being a grown up has slowed me down.

As a kid I loved swimming, I was always in the water. We lived in Tasmania for a few years and had a pool, strange I know. We would be in that water as soon as the sun even thought about peeking out behind a rain cloud!

I was hanging out my washing when I heard the neighbours screen door close and the pitter patter of tiny feet run down the back steps


The door opens again and this time slams as big feet stomp down the stairs...

"Quick! To the edge of the pool! Don't you dare go underwater! Now, look at me, I just picked you up from the sick bay at school, if you're too sick for school you are too sick for the pool!"

Silence, *splash, splash* "But Muuuuuuuuuummmmmm the water is healing!!!"

Poor Mum wasn't having any of it. "Nice try kid, out and dry; you're going back to school!"

I laughed and I laughed, how cool is that kid? Must remember this when I'm a parent!

Life Lesson - If you're too sick for school you're too sick for the pool!

Mrs Roberts. 

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