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Making Butter

As I dream about a simpler life I find myself spending more time persuing more old fashioned hobbies. Such as making my own butter.

My gorgeous Mum gave me a Mad Millie butter making kit when she visited last week and it is divine. Very easy to use and cute! It comes with a traditional French butter keeper which I love as it means you can keep your butter on the bench for about a month without it going rancid. Unfortunately summer is coming and Brisbane is nice and humid so I have had to put mine aside for the cooler months. For now I am storing my butter in Tupperware Clear Mates in the fridge.

I followed the recipe below, with one minor change, I used a full 600ml container of thickened cream instead of the recommended 500ml. Rebel I know.

I used my kitchenaid and the whole process took about 20 minutes. I wasns't sure what I was looking for but once you get a nice whipped cream keep going, it will then split, keep beating and butter will start to form.

The liquid is buttermilk, ideal for scones and pancakes. I poured mine off through a strainer and ended up with just over a cup. I did this three times before washing my butter.

When washing your butter just pour over ice cold water, about a cup at a time. I used my spatula to press the butter to release the buttermilk. Once the water was almost clear it was ready to be salted. You can shape your butter but I found storing in a clearmate was the easiest.

I did have one casuality! Lucky it is Tupperware and lucky I had a spare! Now to order my replacement spatula and make some buttermilk scones!

Mrs Roberts. 

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