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Ahhh…a bit of time off work, time spent on the family farm and few days pottering around our house and I feel amazing. I swear my shoulders have finally dropped from being up around my ears and I’m sleeping much better. It's raining cats and dogs here and I wish I could send it to the farm, 16ml yesterday and 30ml overnight! The pool is full!

I hope your Christmas was as wonderful as mine. I saw my whole immediate family! A very big deal let me tell you as we live and work far apart. Christmas gifts were given, board games were played, empty wine bottles clinked together in the recycling box and we left with our jeans quite a bit tighter. Hearing my Mum be the Narrator for Cards Against Humanity will be a firm favourite for years.

Going to the farm is good for the soul. Phone and Internet reception is intermittent at the best of times and so the phone would be left on the kitchen counter as you headed out onto the farm for a good days work. Emails were soon forgotten; you missed all the “important” news on Facebook and unfortunately I also forgot to take enough photos!

We drafted sheep, cut fence strainers from old fallen trees and fed the cutest of lambs. Shovey loved the farm but took a tiny bit too much interest in kangaroos, I was slightly worried he would take chase but the summer heat kept him on the couch.

Back at work tomorrow and I’m still thinking about the farm…

Mrs Roberts. 

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