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I Took The Long Way

I was a troubled teenager. I was full of confusion, angst and a longing to belong. I wasn't a happy child and was constantly looking to run away. What from I'm not too sure, I come from a great home and a loving family. In my heart I know I was trying to run away from myself. Teenage years are tricky enough without dealing with depression too.

We lived in a small country town and I was a square peg trying to fit in a round hole. It was partly my fault, I focused on what I didn't have rather than what I did. Visiting friends and family in Sydney or Canberra was a bittersweet time. It showed me everything I didn't have, I couldn't go to concerts, shopping centres, restaurants or even get a job in our little town! I would often end up in tears, torn about what to do with myself, worried about the ever looming "future".

When I was about 15 I met a Napoleon Perdis Beauty Specialist in a big department store. She was every thing I wanted to be. She had a flat nearby, stunning nails, slick hair and spent her days spreading the joy of beauty. She was sweet and kind, I adored her immediately. She was very keen to show me the products and told me wonderful stories about the NP Academy. I was so excited!

I was bursting with joy! I'd figured it out! I didn't need to finish school in that little town! I was a big city girl and this was my opportunity! I tried to work it out, moving, finding a job, paying for my course. I just had a tiny hiccup when I realised I couldn't work enough hours at only 15 to cover even my rent.

My parents were insistant that I finished my Year 12. Over two more years of study. I hated them for it at the time. I hated school and I hated feeling stuck. My depression developed rapidly and soon took over. I reached out for help in Year 12 and started to heal and forgive myself, I learnt to let go of the hate and embrace what I did have.

I finished my Year 12 and found a job in the next little country town. I forgot about the plans to move to the city, I no longer saw myself in beauty, I let the dream slip, grew up and moved on. Or so I thought.

Next week I start at the Napoleon Perdis Academy in Brisbane and I am so excited! I have been doing homework each night! Yes me - studying! My new job is the best thing that ever happened to me, a perfect fit!

It took me half my life so far to figure it out but I'm happy to say I'm finally on the right track.

Mrs Roberts. 

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